So much to do, so little time

There are only 24 hours in a day.
Within these hours I want to accomplish so much. I realize at my age that life is fleeting and every day is precious. We have been given life and a brain to figure out what to do with it. From sun up to sun down there is so much to do. What do successful people do with their days? Here are some things I have learned.

Start the day with gratitude. Thank your lucky stars. I like to pray and read something inspiring and motivational.

Stretch, move, walk, do something to wake up those muscles. I choose to do yoga. The mind, body, spirit awakening is invigorating to me.

Schedule your time. This is a good time to check your calendar and make a plan for the day. Every day gives us the opportunity to start again. Setting priorities is a good way to get stuff done in an orderly fashion. Connecting with others gets everyone on the same page.

Supplement. The bulk of my day is spent on an outside job. I work part time at a high school to supplement my artwork. Maybe I won't always have to do this, but for now it feels right.

Studio time. Upon returning home I take time to have dinner with my family and then I step into my studio. This is where I love to be. I can create, build, draw patterns and make the windows for clients and myself that make us both smile.

Students. Most evenings I teach others my trade. My classes are fun and it's great to be able to share my love for stained glass with others.

Study. If there isn't class I have time to attend network meetings, workshops, classes, or research my craft.

Savor. I give myself time to relax with family, meet with friends or read a good book.

Scanning my day helps me see what worked and what I need to change.

Not every day goes without a hitch and that's okay. I have lots to learn and I hope to have lots of time to learn it.

Love and Learn


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